Potty training your puppy can seem like a monumental task, but it is not a lot different than potty training a young child. The key is consistency.
Many people mistakenly believe a male puppy is harder to potty train than a female puppy. That simply is not true. I have trained both sexes with the same success. These were my personal pets, so I can speak truth to the fact, they did not
potty anywhere but the places I had trained them to go.
Here are some ideas and methods we have used with great success.
1st--Decide if you wish to potty train your puppy to go on a potty pad, or if you want him/her to go outside. Indoor dogs do not like to go out during or after a rain, I recommend training to pad & outside for this reason. A pet door is a great help.
2nd--If you plan to use potty pads, choose a location that is not high traffic. If you plan to let your puppy go outside, decide which door you will use.
3rd--You will want to introduce your puppy to the area you would like to use. I also buy a spray called "Go Here", it has a smell that draws the puppy to that area. It can be used inside & applied to your potty pad, or you can spray it directly on your grass.
4th--If you are home most all day, you can choose to use a timer to remind you to take your puppy to the potty area. If you work away from home & will use a crate, be sure to buy a crate large enough to allow the puppy a space for a bed, & a potty pad. If your puppy will be crated for several hours, always leave fresh water available.
(Memo 1- I am home all day, but I still restrict the puppy to a small area of the house which includes the potty area. As the puppy grows older, learns the location, & does not have accidents in the restricted space, I then open up another room & repeat this process, until puppy has run of the house, but always uses the potty area. I allow a 2-week learning time with each new room.)
(Memo 2- If you will be using a crate, please realize a puppy cannot "hold it" all day. The potty pad should be placed at the front of the cage, nearest the door the puppy uses to enter/exit. They will always go to the door to potty, they are trying to get as close to "out" as they can. Placing the pad here, will keep the puppy from walking in feces.)
Many people us an exercise pen & set it up in a room without carpet, this gives the puppy a bit more space to move around, a place to sleep, to eat, to drink, & a potty pad.
I start out training with a timer, I set the timer for 45 minutes, & take the puppy to the potty area every time the timer goes off, unless the puppy is asleep, then I wait until puppy wakes up. It is important to remember a puppy will ALWAYS be ready to potty after waking up. A fair guide to potty times is 2-month old, every 2 hours, 3-month old, every 3 hours, 4-month old, every 4 hours, I do not suggest any puppy or dog be expected to "hold it" longer than 6 hours.
4th--Watch for signs your puppy needs go potty. The will sometimes whine, pace in circles, sniff the floor, or seem very agitated. Always take them to the potty area, even if they do not use it at that moment.
5th--In the beginning of your training, set up a feeding schedule which gives you enough time to allow the puppy to eat, & at least 20 minutes to wait to take puppy to the potty area. When a puppy eats, he will always eleminate within 20-30 minutes. When I am certain my puppy is completely trained, I then leave food available at all times.
6th--A young puppy loves to play with you, snuggle with you, & they love to hear your praises. Always praise them when they potty in the potty area. I clap my hands lightly, say ooh, good girl/boy, pick them up, hug them, & pet them.
REMEMBER--Always take your puppy to potty first thing in the morning, last thing at night, 20-30 minutes after eating, immediately upon waking from a nap, & always when you remove them from the crate.
I travel with my fur baby everywhere I go. She is 5lbs & trained to a puppy purse. Wherever we go, I can place a potty pad on the floor where I wish her to go, I call her over to the pad, tap it with my finger, & say this is where you go. She always makes 3 circles on the pad, drops a few drops of urine & walks off. She just let me know she understood. I also have her trained to potty outside as well, & when I put her down to potty outside while traveling, I clap my hands & say " go pee" she will immediately squat & urinate. If she needs to poop, she will walk until she feels the urge.
I hope this will help you in your endeavor to potty train your new puppy!